Last year I did a couple of live interviews on Iowa Pagan News Radio with the host, Earl Williams. We had a great time. There was what was supposed to be a brief hiatus through the holidays, but then Earl caught Covid and got really sick. He became one of the rare cases that resulted in Guillain Barre Syndrome, and it has taken a long while for him to recover to the point that he could get back to work on the podcast. He is back now though, and is kicking things into gear.
I really like being surrounded by people who have experienced some really tough issues and don’t let that stop them. We all experience issues in our lives, but it is much harder to keep going with things when they are personal achievements. It impresses me and inspires me to really get up and fight again as I am dealing with my own shit and trying to keep the book and publishing work going.
Success is the concept of not giving up until you achieve your goals. Earl embodies that tremendously. His plan to unite the spiritual world and the mainstream is strong and he will not let Covid and it’s follow on debilitating effects, or anything else for that matter, keep him away from doing just that. I am behind him 110%.
I really enjoy doing interviews with people. I wish I had the time to set up and do my own interviews with people still. I did a few Connection Chat videos last year that were amazing, but the time that it took to organize, perform, edit, post and respond to comments on the videos was just too much on top of what I was already doing. I couldn’t keep up with them on my own.
When Earl contacted me yesterday and asked if I would like to get back to doing them with him again, I jumped at the opportunity. Being able to co-host will allow me to do things that I love, like getting to know more amazing people behind the scenes, share their talents and expertise with the fans of the podcast during the interviews, and add some amazing and talented people to my list of friends. It’s one more way that I get to help people, but I don’t have to do all of the work for it myself. We all need that.
This opportunity means a lot to me and I would love to bring a lot more than just my love of the work to the table. I would like to be able to bring new fans to the podcast, and in the process, to the people that we interview on the show. It’s an opportunity for all of us to grow.
I also want it to help you. Whatever you might be in need of, you might find it through us. So, come join us live and drop comments, or watch the replay at your leisure. I’ll be posting the live schedule here on the site, but you can also like the Iowa Pagan News Radio Facebook page, join the facebook group, and email me with questions or comments any time!
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