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2021: All About Connections

I’m starting a training series here in 2021 about connections. There are connections with people available all over the place and I know that a great many of us believe that if we just had the right one’s, our lives would be completely different.

In 2020, I was able to make some great new connections with a large number of people in multiple industries. Conversations were taking place everywhere that would fit in with exactly what I was wanting to do or where I was wanting to go. It was really excited stuff and I wanted to be a part of it all so badly.

So, why did I just sit there, listening and taking it all in for so long?

All of it was fear, but most of that fear came from not knowing some things. I didn’t know how to make the connections and I had no idea what to really do with them once I had them. Then the Journey to Success Summit event took flight.

You heard me talk about that event in a previous post. You can go back and read that here if you want a refresher or missed it the first time around and want to know more about it. It’s coming up quickly.

That isn’t what this post is about though. There are going to be 50+ connections to make over the 2 days of the event. Three different avenues, publishing, business building, and visionaries. We specifically built the event so that attendees can connect with and grow their lives, not just their businesses, and I want the people that come to know exactly how to get those connections and exactly what to do with them, before the day of the event.

All this week, I’m going to be doing interviews with the hosts and some of the speakers presenting opportunities at the event. There isn’t a single speaker coming that isn’t fully vested in helping those in attendance take their life and their business to the next level.

While they will be presenting a lot of information, tips, tricks, and advice, they are also presenting opportunities. You have to be prepared and be ready to hear and see those opportunities and know how you can use them if you are going to get the most out of the event.

The line up is still being worked out, but I’m going to be talking to them about the connections that have made them and the one’s that could have that they didn’t take and why, and then I’ll have them giving tips for how to make connections.

When I became Tony Dody’s Executuve Assistant back in November, I had no idea how many great people I would be connecting with and how those brief connections (follow up emails, phone calls, and hosting video chats among other things) would make a huge differences in my business and my life. None of this would be happening if I hadn’t seen an opportunity and known exactly how to take action on it. I could have just sat quietly and listened as Tony spoke and taught all over the place. Now we are doing radio shows together.

This is what I hope to help all of you do. Make connections, but then also be able to put those connections to good use, for you and for them. Stay tuned. As soon as we have a line up another post will follow.

Happy New Year!

Oh, by the way, I have a very special gift for you! If you register for the event and use ChristyMann as the promo code, you’ll get a 50% discount off the ticket price. You don’t want to miss this opportunity! I’ll see you there!

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